lambda keyword usage in PYTHON programe
Programe is:
# lambda option usage în PYTHON programe
# only one parameter restriction limits the structures
# geometry problems exemples
# A_circle = area of the circle
# L_cilcre = the length of the circle
# A_ square = area of the square
# P_square = square perimeter
# R = radius of the circle
# L = the side of the square of the triangle
# H = height
# P_triangle = the perimeter of the equilateral triangle
# A_triangle = area of the equilateral triangle
# V_cube = volume of the cube
# A_cube = total cube area
# A_sphere = area of the sphere
# V_sphere = volume of the sphere
# H_tetra = height tetrahedron
# A_tetra = total area of the tetrahedron
# V_tetra = volume of the tetrahedron
# P_hexa = perimeter of the hexagon inscribed in a circle
# A_hexa = area of the hexagon inscribed in a circle
# PI = 3.14
r = 10
l = 10
A_square = lambda L: L * L
P_square = lambda L: 4 * L
A_circle = lambda R: 3.14 * R * R
L_circle = lambda R: 2 * 3.14 * R
P_triangle = lambda L: 3 * L
A_triangle = lambda L: (L * L * 3**0.5/2)/2
V_cube = lambda L: L * L * L
A_sphere = lambda R: 4 * 3.14 * R * R
V_sphere = lambda R: 4 * 3.14 /3 * R * R * R
H_tetra = lambda L: (2/3)**0.5 * L
A_tetra = lambda L: 4* (L * L * 3**0.5/2)/2
V_tetra = lambda L: (L * L * L )/(6 * 2**0.5)
P_hexa = lambda R: 6 * R
A_hexa = lambda R: R * R * (3 * 3** 0.5 /2)
print('IF radius R = ', r, 'circle area is : %.2f' %A_circle(r))
print('IF radius R = ', r, 'circle long is : %.2f' %L_circle(r))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'square area is : ', A_square(l))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'square perimeter is : ', P_square(l))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'triangle perimeter is : ', P_triangle(l))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'triangle perimeter is : %.2f' %A_triangle(l))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'cube volume is : ', V_cube(l))
print('IF radius R = ', r, 'sphere area is : %.2f' %A_sphere(r))
print('IF radius R = ', r, 'sphere volume is : %.2f' %V_sphere(r))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'tetrahedron height is : %.2f' %H_tetra(l))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'tetrahedron area is : %.2f' %A_tetra(l))
print('IF side L = ', l, 'tetrahedron volume is : %.2f' %V_tetra(l))
print('IF radius r = ', r, 'hexagon perimeter is : %.2f' %P_hexa(r))
print('IF radius r = ', r, 'hexagon area is : %.2f' %A_hexa(r))
List_function = [A_square, P_square, A_circle, L_circle ]
for element in List_function:
print('%.2f' %element(10))
Results are:
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IF radius R = 10 circle area is : 314.00
IF radius R = 10 circle long is : 62.80
IF side L = 10 square area is : 100
IF side L = 10 square perimeter is : 40
IF side L = 10 triangle perimeter is : 30
IF side L = 10 triangle perimeter is : 43.30
IF side L = 10 cube volume is : 1000
IF radius R = 10 sphere area is : 1256.00
IF radius R = 10 sphere volume is : 4186.67
IF side L = 10 tetrahedron height is : 8.16
IF side L = 10 tetrahedron area is : 173.21
IF side L = 10 tetrahedron volume is : 117.85
IF radius r = 10 hexagon perimeter is : 60.00
IF radius r = 10 hexagon area is : 259.81
(March 29, 2022)
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